Bechstein action

Jon Page
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 09:20:06 -0500

At 01:34 PM 12/30/99 +0000, you wrote:
>>Dear list,
>>I've got an old Bechstein grand (1885) that I'm preparing an estimate on.
>>The piano has had some very sloppy work done in the past and the action is
>>bad shape.  I will put new shanks on it but the whippens(original) need
>>either replacement or thorough reconditioning.   My question, to those who
>>have dealt with these older german pianos, is if this type of whippen is
>>available.  Perhaps those who have rebuilt bechsteins of this vintage can
>>tell me what you did.
>>Bill Jeffreys
>>Denton Piano
>>Denton, TX

What is different about the wippen?

Is it a sticker/rockerarm system. These aren't so bad once you get the hang
of 'em. The ones I have encountered display low friction, maybe from the lack
of the capstan to cushion rubbing.

If you opt of new parts, you can't be just a new parts installer. There are
issues to deal with. Improperly installed, the action will be a grave

All shanks are not equal, there are leverage issues which you need to be aware
for proper selection. You may even want to alter the leverage from the
because of newer, heavier hammers.

This is another function of the Renner USA Parts Kit.
Parts comparison/experimentation is paramount in selection.

Unless the wippens are beyond repair (which includes cost-effectiveness)
I would keep them. Consider the repetition springs to be fatigued, replace
graphite and burnish jack and cradle, repin centers if necessary.
However on new parts, located and drill for capstan, install proper heel on
universal wippen unless a stock wip fits, the same flange screw holes can be

Modernization has its advantages, you can tell I'm on the fence  :-)

Also you can tell I'm stalling because I have 5 pianos to tune today during
vacation period, four tomorrow and they're all done; whew.

I can't think of anything else so I'd better get to work, wish me luck,


Jon Page

PS  anything to drag it out.   :-)  oh yeah,   Happy New
Year/Century/Millennium/Thursday . . .


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