Appraisal help

Thu, 30 Dec 1999 10:48:44 EST

John, it has always been my understanding that part of the deal Aeolian made 
with Mason & Hamlin regarding the buyout was that Aeolian would no longer be 
able to cast the word "Boston" into the plate. (Found adjacent to the high 
treble section with the name M&H). Therefore if the word Boston does not 
appear you probably have an Aeolian piano and vice-versa. Also every Aeolian 
M&H that I have seen has a decal on the inner rim on the long side near the 
front empire hinge that says; ironically; American Craftsmanship or some 
such. Judging from the condition that you describe the piano has little if 
any more than wholesale value which last time I let a similar "A" go was 
around $3500.00- $4500.00, depending largely on the condition of the board. 
As far as desireability goes, yes it is definately desirable to many 
rebuilders especially with the dearth of available Steinways. Hope this helps.

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