Piano teachers

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 09:43:58 EST

In a message dated 12/30/99 1:00:07 PM !!!First Boot!!!, cedel@supernet.com 

<< Friends,
 Do any of you keep a list of piano teachers to refer tuning clients to?
 I get asked from time to time.  There seems to be too few piano
 teachers.  Nearly every one I know has a waiting list.  Should we be
 encouraging people with the aptitude to become piano teachers, and if
 so, how would we go about it?
 Clyde Hollinger

Yes, Clyde, I keep a list of piano teachers. I got the names on that list 
from three sources. 1. The teacher form whom I tune. 2. A membership roster 
from the MMTA, (Missouri Music Teachers Association). There is a St. Louis 
Chapter  3. A local music store which does a lot of business with piano 

Since I tune for quite a few teachers, I can recommend them. But I also give 
out name of other teachers in the same zip code. I do tell my customers, 
however, that I only know these people teach piano. Since I have never 
actually experienced a lesson with any of them, I tell my customers I cannot 
guarantee the teacher will be any good. 

It's just one more little thing to keep your customers happy. (of course if 
you gave out the name of a bad teacher, you could loose your client) :)


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