Final Tuning

Diane Hofstetter
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 21:51:48 PST

>>Thanks for reminding me.
>>I almost made the last piano tuning of the millennium a YC Wurlitzer.
>>Bet yer boots I'll make it a Steinway or two now.
>>Jon Page,   piano technician
>Two Wurlitzer spinet pitch raises, though I did tune a Steinway M earlier.
>Too late now to look for a fabulous last tuning of the millennium: day off
>I guess I'll just have to settle for virtual champagne ... oh, well,
>virtual headaches
>are much easier to get over.
Kramer upright _pitch lowering_    :-(     Kid couldn't play his clarinet 
with mom accompanying on the piano at +20cents!  I'll try for a fabulous 
first of the new millennium.  Besides, we all know the future _has_ to be 
better than the past!

Happy New Year all!

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