Final Tuning

Fri, 31 Dec 1999 01:25:18 EST

In a message dated 12/30/99 10:10:27 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

 >>Thanks for reminding me.
 >>I almost made the last piano tuning of the millennium a YC Wurlitzer.
 >>Bet yer boots I'll make it a Steinway or two now.
 >>Jon Page,   piano technician
 >Two Wurlitzer spinet pitch raises, though I did tune a Steinway M earlier.
 >Too late now to look for a fabulous last tuning of the millennium: day off
 >I guess I'll just have to settle for virtual champagne ... oh, well,
 >virtual headaches
 >are much easier to get over.
 Kramer upright _pitch lowering_    :-(     Kid couldn't play his clarinet 
 with mom accompanying on the piano at +20cents!  I'll try for a fabulous 
 first of the new millennium.  Besides, we all know the future _has_ to be 
 better than the past!
 Happy New Year all!

My last tuning was a Wurlitzer Spinet, which I tuned in 3/97.  Was 1 cent 
sharp and just an initial tuning.

Tomorrow I am in the office, at the computer, closing out the year, do my 
backups, and then see if it all works after the bell tolls.  I believe it 
will.  Happy New Year to all of you and looking forward to hearing from you 
in the next Millenium!

Dave Peake, RPT
Portland Chapter
Oregon City, OR

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