Steinway damper afterring

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 00:20:18 -0600

At 03:36 PM 12/30/1999 -0700, you wrote:
>Ed Tomlinson wrote:
>"I use
>damper felt because it seems to dampen more efficiently.  If you want
>it to 
>look like Steinway felt just don't use the red under felt.  Although
>the red 
>under felt does help the damper work more effectively."
>I always thought that the red underfelt was just for esthetics. How does
>it help the damper work more effectively?
>Bob Anderson
>Tucson, AZ

Flexibility. Compliance. It lets the damper felt move around some and stay
with the string to ride it to a standstill.

Ron N

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