Final Tuning + New International Pitch

Tom Cole
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 01:00:37 -0800

I had planned for the week off until I got a call Tuesday morning from
someone who wanted their piano tuned that same day. Furthermore, she
wanted it tuned to A=432. I said that I could do it but it would cost
$150, thinking she wouldn't go for it. She did hesitate but then said
that she needed to speak with her husband (plus probably every tuner in
the Yellow Pages).

Two hours later, I got another call asking if I was still willing to do
the job. So, no discount for being last piano of the year. In fact, it
was the first tuning of my career for which I was asked to set pitch at
432 Hz. 

Apparently, someone was coming to demonstrate that this is a natural
pitch that agrees with certainly natural rhythms. I spoke with him on
the phone and he said that there is a movement afoot, spearheaded by the
Italians, to establish 432 as the international pitch. The rationale I
was offered sounded pretty Twinkie-headed. Anybody ever hear of such a


Ken Jankura wrote:
> I gave my final piano tuning client of the millennium a discount. Made him
> happy, made me happy. He gave me a bottle of champagne. You see, it all
> works out.
> Ken

Thomas A. Cole, RPT
Santa Cruz, CA

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