No Shows

Clyde Hollinger
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 11:36:53 -0500

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I like Wim's attitude of not getting too bent out of shape over failed
appointments, even though none of us likes them.  I leave a copy of the following
letter stuck in the door, then make a note on the customer record, stick it back
in the file and forget about it.  Once in a while, a free hour is even
refreshing!  Feel free to plagiarize.

    When I arrived as scheduled I was unable to gain access to service your
    If there was an unforeseen emergency that prevented you from being home,
please let us know.  We are very understanding, knowing there are instances when
the welfare of a friend or family member takes precedence over piano service.
    If this problem was due to an oversight on your part we recognize that all of
us make similar mistakes now and then.  Nevertheless, piano technicians have
little more to sell than their time and skills.  A failed appointment means a
significant loss, since it will now take two appointments to service your piano
when payment is received for only one.  The extra time from the failed
appointment can rarely be used profitably.
    We have developed the following policy if the second instance is the case.
We are willing to absorb the loss of the first occurence.  Should the same happen
again, you will be requested to pay half the normal tuning charge, plus mileage
costs if they apply.  Both of us wish to be treated fairly, and from our
viewpoint this policy appears more than fair.
    Please call if you would like to schedule another appointment.  Thank you for

I hope this is helpful to someone.
Clyde Hollinger, RPT

Wimblees@AOL.COM wrote:

>  I have come to the
> conclusion, that no matter how I try, there are always going to be no shows,
> and I am never going to get paid for them. And what all of this has made me
> realize is that no shows are one of the job descriptions of being a piano
> tuner.
> That doesn't mean I like them. What it does mean is that I don't get upset
> about them.

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