Fw: Plate Finish, was Varsol

Sun, 1 Jul 2001 18:17:38 EDT

In a message dated 01/07/01 2:09:18 PM, Erwinpiano@email.msn.com writes:

<< Yes it's a pain but I've had some preexsistent stains return to discolor 
spots in my final topcoats over time.


  This is a problem that is relatively simple to deal with. The stains come 
from what ever caused the original stains in the bronzing powder of the old 
finish. To preclude recurring stains just spray the plate with a couple of 
coats of your favorite 'clear' product, let dry and then................ 
bronze to your hearts content with the liklihood of future staining 
practically nil.
My view.
 Jim Bryant (FL)

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