Tuning Guarantee

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Sun, 8 Jul 2001 09:25:04 EDT

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In a message dated 7/8/01 7:42:04 AM Central Daylight Time, 
pianomitch@hotmail.com writes:

> .  So I just told the customer that if they didn't like the sound within 6 
> weeks, they should call me and I would make it right.  There was nothing 
> magical about 6 weeks, it just made my customer feel better that I would 
> stand behind my work.  A few times it has bitten me, but I just got in the 
> habit of saying it and I haven't stopped.  In the cases where the customer 
> has called in my work, I have had an opportunity to build a better business 
> relationship with them and find out about what mistakes I might be making.

Good advice, Mitch. I do get a call once in a while, and go back and fix a 
"problem." I figure that perhaps I had a bad day. Once I actually missed a 
unison all together. It just sort of slipped between the cracks. The good 
will it creates pays much more than the time it took.


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