Emerson-Angelus Boston & Meriden

Bill Ballard yardbird@pop.vermontel.net
Sun, 15 Jul 2001 19:48:28 -0400

At 3:08 PM -0400 7/15/01, RBLOOM2720@cs.com wrote:
>We just purchased a very beat-up piano with the Emerson-Angelus Boston &
>Meriden name on the inside of the sliding doors above the hammers. Can you
>tell me where I can find more info about this piano and how to restore it?

New bridle tapes, new plastic keytops, and a gallon of interior latex 
paint ought to do it.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"There are fifty ways to screw up on this job. If you can think of 
twenty of them, you're a genius......and you aint no genius"
     ...........Mickey Rourke to William Hurt, in "Body Heat", discussing arson.

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