scaling question

Ron Nossaman
Sat, 28 Jul 2001 16:38:25 -0500

> I'm still restringing a 1910 Schiedmayer.  The piano has been previously
> restrung and I am suspicious of the scaling (the gauges sometimes
> backtrack).  There is no indication of the original scaling on the piano and
> I am concerned when I have someone rescale the piano of overloading the piano
> with excess tension (the trend seems to be for higher gauges).  Is this a
> legitimate concern and if so, how can I approach the problem to be sure that
> the balance of tension is similar to the original.
> David Love

There are a couple of Scheidmayer scales listed in the Travis book. What gage
sequence(s) did you measure in your piano, to compare. Otherwise, either
rescale it yourself, or get someone who's abilities you trust to do it for you.

Ron N

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