Jack Slipping?

Phil Bondi tito@PhilBondi.com
Fri, 03 May 2002 17:31:31 -0400

Greg..2 things come to mind..

1st - take regulating tools with you from now on!

2nd - the jack flange might be a tad on the tight side, meaning that it's
not quite getting back underneath the knuckle. If you strike the key softly,
it works because there's just enough movement from the jack to push the
knuckle. If you strike it hard, then the movement is too quick for the jack
to do it's thing because it's not quite getting back ito position.

Of course, you could be right saying that the jack is out of position
initially, but I have my doubts about that.

I'm betting on a tight flange..re-pin and ok. You _do_ have pins, right?!?

-Phil Bondi (Fl.)

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