
Avery Todd
Mon, 06 May 2002 15:12:22 -0500

Well, Dave,

Didn't they just recently reduce their warrant to 5 yrs. because their 
were so great? Like someone said at the time, if they keep improving, they 
have any warranty at all!!!!!! :-)


At 07:27 PM 05/02/02 -0500, you wrote:
>While looking at the cover of the current Piano Technicians Journal, I got 
>to thinking about all the ads and articles about new and improved 
>pianos.  Yamaha has come out with their "S" series, Kawai the "RX" and now 
>the Shigru.  The artical about the NAMM show detailed many improvements in 
>several other pianos.
>Why is it that the only news from Steinway has been about new looks?  New 
>furniture around the same old scales.  The picture on this month's cover 
>is impressive, but it's the same old "D" inside.  Have they really already 
>attained perfection?  Inquiring minds want to know.
>David M. Porritt
>Meadows School of the Arts
>Southern Methodist University
>Dallas, TX 75275

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