Greg Casper re. Virus

Frances Helms
Mon, 06 May 2002 16:14:46 -0400

Pardon the intrusion but keep in mind that viruses also invade through mucus membranes, eyes, etc.  Haven't figured out a way to keep my face out of the procedure, but while face masks may help, they don't solve the problem.
Fran (KS)

Greg Casper <> wrote:

>Joe et al...
>Don't get me wrong here. I didn't say you couldn't get SICK. I said you
>couldn't get a common cold from a piano directly. I agree that a dust mask
>is an excellent idea, but not for the "catch a cold" reason.
>Greg Casper
>San Jose, CA
>-----Original Message-----
>From: []On Behalf
>Of Joseph Garrett
>Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 1:14 AM
>Subject: Greg Casper re. Virus
>You are sadly mistaken. The Virus in some mouse feces is call Huntavirus
>(sp?). It can be deadly. It is more prevalant in the South Western United
>States and Mexico. Right in your area. So, be damned careful out there!
>Best Regards,
>Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

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