
Reikiharp@AOL.COM Reikiharp@AOL.COM
Wed, 8 May 2002 08:36:10 EDT

In a message dated 5/7/02 11:50:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
josephspiano@attbi.com writes:

<< Not only do many such companies offer free shipping their retail prices 
are, in some instances, lower than what we piano techs can get at the supply 
houses. So much for even considering a mark up on our end. Plus the shipping. 
  Can you be specific. From what I have seen the online resourses are similar 
to my retail prices , therefore easily matched or beaten,ie $4 per ivory head 
etc. If there are other items for sale at true wholesale prices I haven't 
seen them, but would like to know as soon as possible in order to avoid a 
situation with a price shopping client.                                       
          Joseph D. Gotta RPT

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