Position Available

John C. Cordogan jcordogan@chicagopianos.com
Wed, 8 May 2002 21:16:23 -0500

Hello list,

I would like to post the availability of a full-time technician job at my
company.  Cordogan's Pianoland is Illinois' largest piano store with a
30,000 sq.ft. showroom/warehouse/shop in Chicago's west-suburban Geneva and
an additional showroom in north-suburban Deerfield.  We currently have an
excellent staff of full-time employee/technicians, but our growth requires
at least one more.

I am seeking another experienced technician who can service both in-store
and in-home pianos.  Experience helps determine pay, and benefits (health
insurance, vacation, 401k, etc.) are available.  If you or any technicians
you know might be interested in relocating to Chicagoland (or perhaps you're
already here!) please reply to jcordogan@chicagopianos.com.  You can also
learn more about our company at www.chicagopianos.com.

Please feel free to stop by our locations while you're at the Convention!
Directions and store hours are on our website.  Enjoy your stay in Chicago!

John C. Cordogan
Cordogan's Pianoland and Cordogan's Piano Gallery
Illinois' Largest Piano Store
"More pianos than you can shake a leveling stick at"
Chicagoland's Kawai, Weber, Estonia and Kemble dealer

P.S.  For a little piano technician humor (and to educate potential used
piano buyers) check out www.chicagopianos.com and click on the WANTED
poster.  I hope you'll find the information entertaining and useful.

This PTG archive page provided courtesy of Moy Piano Service, LLC