1969 Steinway L CBS?

Bigeartb@AOL.COM Bigeartb@AOL.COM
Wed, 8 May 2002 22:21:22 EDT

To all my best ole buddies:
     Update....I read your replys and I thank you for your response. I 
rechecked .....no warppage in key frame.....no broken rail parts anywhere. I 
still don't know the answer to this question....What years did CBS own 
Steinway? Please don't misunderstand..I'm not throwing stones at the factory. 
I've just never seen a quality line piano in this terrible playing...non 
playing condition. Now I really do wonder what technician put them 10 to 15 
front rail punching under every single note. I'll just chalk the rest of this 
mess up to Alabama humidity.
      Again thank you for your help.

Tommy Black
Decatur, Ala.

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