"The Question"

Nichols nicho@lascruces.com
Fri, 10 May 2002 09:27:12 -0600

At 09:43 AM 5/10/02 -0400, you wrote:

>I haven't figured out anything else to say in your situation, YET!!!
>David Koelzer

That's when I use testimonial reference: "My Dad (Grandpa,Mentor, 
Granny,etc) always said
  ' Never turn down a tip, sonny.' "
My favorite helper says "I'm slow and messy, but at least I'm expensive!"

In our business, tips aren't expected, but they are a nice form of flattery.
Terry, remember that ultimately, the customer isn't really paying you for 
what you do.... you get paid for what you know.


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