Tuning Curves

Roy Peters roy.peters@mindspring.com
Mon, 13 May 2002 01:02:49 -0400

Thanks for providing some food for thought.  First of all, I assume you are
using TL97 instead of TLPro?   I tried your method today.     The trouble I had
was in getting a good reading of the 3rd partial of E6.  So, what I did was to
follow your procedure to set up the section from D3 - A4 using the 3rd
partial.   Then I tuned E6 to the 3rd partial of A4.   Switched the note display
to the 1st partial of E6 and adjusted the offset to stop the blocks.  Entered
the reference.  Returned A4 to the 1st partial with 0 offset in the reference.
Then set A4 to E6 using the 1st partial.    I didn't actually try the tuning,
but had fun playing around.

Roy Peters, RPT
Cincinnati, Ohio

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