Pinblocks and o/s pins

Bill Ballard
Mon, 13 May 2002 00:56:15 -0400

At 11:16 PM -0400 5/12/02, wrote:
>  That was my guess,but most of the older uprights I was thinking 
>of,would not be worth the trouble to pull the plate.If I went to 
>that trouble,I would just put in a new block,which most customers 
>with budget pianos, would not spend that kind of money,on a two - 
>three hundred dollar piano.
>Hazen Bannister

Not all pianos are going to get serious work done on then, which more 
often than not begins with removing the plate.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"Filing the bridgepins sure puts a sparkle on the restringing, but is 
best done before the plate is re-installed"
     ...........recent shop journal entry

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