Hammer tapering Jig (just for Jim B)

Kdivad@AOL.COM Kdivad@AOL.COM
Mon, 13 May 2002 21:40:54 -0400

In a message dated Mon, 13 May 2002  9:07:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, JIMRPT@AOL.COM writes:

>In a message dated 13/05/02 8:02:29 PM, sckline@attbi.com writes:
><< Well, Jim (cuz) ... we're even now. >>
>Hah!.... No, I'm ahead because I ain't asked bout no tapering jig...that was 
>Greg N.
>Just goes to prove once again that you can't trust those danged Yankees like 
>Jon!!! :-)
>Jim Bryant (FL)

Oh yes you can, just not very far!!
David Koelzer

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