Lawrey pianos

James Gilbert
Thu, 16 May 2002 18:07:28 -0400

I'm just getting into tuning and maintenance of pianos (as a side 
venture, I'm mostly a performing keyboardist/accompanist and piano 
teacher). But I'm getting the usual questions from friends of friends 
asking for opinions on particular pianos to buy, etc. 

Is there a central location (web site, book, ?) that might help me be 
better informed about a piano based on name and year of manufacture? 
(Obviously seeing the piano would be best, but not always an option). 

In particular someone has run across a "Lawrey" spinet piano from 
"maybe 30 years ago" for about $500, never been tuned (what fun). 
Could this be a corruption of the name "Lowery" as I've never run 
across the "Lawrey" name and can't find reference on the internet.


James Gilbert

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