Lawrey pianos

J Patrick Draine
Thu, 16 May 2002 19:03:05 -0400

On Thursday, May 16, 2002, at 06:07 PM, James Gilbert wrote:

> Is there a central location (web site, book, ?) that might help me be
> better informed about a piano based on name and year of manufacture?
> (Obviously seeing the piano would be best, but not always an option).

Seeing and carefully inspecting the piano is the only option, aside from 
"educated guess work" (even the best brands may be in totally unplayable 

Get the Pierce Piano Atlas to determine the year of manufacture.
Buy and read Larry Fine's The Piano Book, and his Supplement with 
average list prices for current models.
Drop in on new & used piano dealers, and read "want advertisers" to 
learn about local prices.

> Could this be a corruption of the name "Lowery"


Good luck,
Patrick Draine

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