[pianotech] working out

David Love davidlovepianos at comcast.net
Tue Dec 1 13:26:01 MST 2009


My wife who is a Yoga instructor recommends that you find a good Iyengar
(there are different styles) teacher to work with.  There are lots of
restorative components to Iyengar Yoga and it's fairly non-aerobic.  A good
teacher will customize the practice to your own particular needs.  There are
specific sequences designed for asthmatics to open the chest area and
improve breathing.  There are several different types of Yoga and probably
some that you should avoid.  Current "flow" styles are designed to be more
aerobic and more recent styles like Bikram (where they heat up the studio to
some ungodly temperature) would probably aggravate your situation.  The
Iyengar style of Yoga, fwiw, was first brought to the west by none other
than Yehudi Menuhin who studied with B.K.S Iyengar in India to overcome the
many physical problems he had and helped introduce him to Europe and the

David Love

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