[pianotech] Choice of hammers

David Love davidlovepianos at comcast.net
Wed Dec 2 08:09:53 MST 2009

Not sure why you would order from Germany.  If you want Abel order from
Brooks if you want Renner order from Lloyd Meyer at Renner USA or Rick
Baldassin.  There is some variation in the Renner Wurzen pressings, some are
softer (or harder) than others.  You can ask Rick to probe a couple of
hammer samples from the set and tell him you want firmer or not however you
choose.  Brooks will give you a rundown on which Abel hammer might suit you,
there are a number of different ones.  Tell him you want a firmer one but be
careful what you ask for.  As to which to choose that's an impossible
question to ask us-although I'm sure people won't hesitate to express their
opinions.  Both (or all) are good hammers each one with a slightly different
texture.  Since it's your piano sampling is easier and you might consider
it.  Brooks is usually quite amenable to sending samples-describe to him
what you're looking for and ask him to send something one around note 40 and
one around note 60-that's all you really need though it can be difficult to
extrapolate the entire set from a couple of samples.  Still it's better than
listening to us throw out opinions.  Renner is probably willing as well.
One thing to consider (which I think is important) is the hammer's shape.
Some hammers come out of the press with the shape more like the small end of
the egg and some like the larger end of the egg (a sort of Lilliputian
dilemma).  Shape matters on many pianos, in my view, and you may want to
take that into consideration.  The Renner hammers tend to be rounder (large
end of the egg).  


David Love



From: pianotech-bounces at ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces at ptg.org] On Behalf
Of Brian Wilson
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 10:27 PM
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Subject: [pianotech] Choice of hammers


Now it is time you ask for advice.
Kawai US-5X upright which I think is 125 cm 49 inches?
The client is me. I am installing new butts and flanges etc.
I want a good hammer and the price is not important to me. Do I fit Renner
with the Wurzen felt or Abel Wurzen or what?
I do prefer a hard (er) hammer and I would prefer to voice down than (no
offence) pour lacquer into the hammer head. 
Unless I get a better option I will order from Germany.
The originals are mahogany core with non impregnated felt.(even though Japan
poured lacquer into some areas in production. been there seen that, do not
want to copy)
Personally the japanese hammers are a little boring (and some Abels are TOO
soft)  and I know I could improve the sound with a better piano, but she who
must be obeyed won't let me .. :-)
Brian Wilson
Land of Oz


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