[pianotech] Regulation Issues

pmc033 at earthlink.net pmc033 at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 2 09:30:22 MST 2009

Hi, Matthew:
    Yes, the height of the sharps is important.  If you raise them, you will increase the dip approximately the same amount.  Does the piano have new keytops, where the old ones were perhaps ivory?  Sometimes the ivories are replaced without planing down the key for new keytops which are thicker than the old ivories.  That would make the sharps go below the level of the naturals when they are depressed and would be less than the ideal height.  
    Does that help?
    Paul Mccloud
    San DIego

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Matthew Todd 
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Sent: 12/02/2009 8:21:50 AM 
Subject: [pianotech] Regulation Issues

I have been regulating a Baldwin M Grand this morning.

Have run into several issues to which I would covet your assistance.

1.)  Exactly how much rise is adequate?
2.)  I am having a heck of a time regulating the sharps.  The naturals are coming along fine (i.e. let-off, drop, rise).  The sharps are only 3/8'' high as opposed to the specs of 1/2''.  Could that be the problem?  And if so, and increasing the height to 1/2'', how would that affect the dip?

Before messing with all the sharp heights, I thought I would get suggestions first.

Thank you!
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