[pianotech] Small Yamama w/problem?

Joseph Garrett joegarrett at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 2 09:42:39 MST 2009

John Ross asked: "There seems to be a lot of G models, GA, GM, 1's and 2's etc.
Does anyone know which specific model had the problem, and is it still being 

That was the GH-1. However, there has been so damned many versions of that model it's ridiculous. Back when...I did a scale redesign for them. They used it for a while and then changed back to the original. THEN...it  was  one change after another, all  avoiding my design. Most were terrible. But, sometimes they almost got it right.<G> BTW...the G stands for "Grand" and the H stands for  "Home" and the 1 stands for the smallest made. Got that bit of do-do straight from the dog!<G> Their intent, at the time, was to sell a grand to the rich/bitch bunch that didn't play. The mistake they made wss  to price it  cheaply. Musicians loved the price ....later hated the instrument.  I spent  a lot of  time changing out the lower treble strings and adding hitch pins, back then. The structure was so light that I could change the pitch by 30cents just taking 4 unisons off of the bass bridge!! (necessary to get at the hitch area of the break/long bridge end.<G>

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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