[pianotech] Problems with regulating???!!!

Joseph Garrett joegarrett at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 2 09:47:50 MST 2009

Matthew Todd  asked: "I have been regulating a Baldwin M Grand this morning.
Have run into several issues to which I would covet your assistance.
1.)? Exactly how much rise is adequate?
2.)? I am having a heck of a time regulating the sharps.? The naturals are coming along fine (i.e. let-off, drop, rise).? The sharps are only 3/8'' high as opposed to the specs of 1/2''.? Could that be the problem?? And if so, and increasing the height to 1/2'', how would that affect the dip?
Before messing with all the sharp heights, I thought I would get suggestions first.
Thank you!

You have  just described a neophytes approach to regulating! Sheesh! There are  several  factors that have to be  satisfied  before  one should  attempt "Regulation"
1.  The  action  must  be in good mechanical condition...i.e.  gram  resistance in parts  must  be  somewheere in the ball  park
2.  If the  keys aren't right nothing  else  can be. i.e.  keys  at  proper  height and  dip...ALL  of the keys!!!!  key  pins  straightened and  polished and lubed. Good bushings and frame felt.
That's the short version. 

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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