[pianotech] your father's butt

John Formsma formsma at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 07:11:49 MST 2009

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:16 PM, Ron Nossaman <rnossaman at cox.net> wrote:

> Ok, now that I have your attention, I have a question. It's a question I
> ask every couple of years or so on these lists, and no one's come up with an
> answer yet. It's up on the wheel again, and with the number of recovering
> Baldwin employees extant, I keep hoping someone has a name to put on this
> stuff. It's a faux butt and catcher leather found in Baldwin verticals prior
> to Corfam. It's the sticky black stuff, that degenerates into stickier black
> dust until it wears to the backing, beyond which it generates a weird sort
> of web. Maybe it's "Cob"? Does anyone, please, know anything about this evil
> stuph? Yea, I know it needs replaced, but I'd really like an ID.
> Thanks, maybe
> Ron N

Hmm. Being more of a latecomer tech, I've seen that, and always assumed *
that* was the stuff everyone referred to as Corfam.

So anyone got a handy picture of Corfam?

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