[pianotech] your father's butt

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Thu Dec 3 14:27:15 MST 2009

Michael Magness wrote:

> I may be mistaken (according to my wife it's my usual)but I believe it's 
> possible the stuff to which you refer is either standard buckskin or 
> Corfam liberally coated, possible impregnated, with graphite.

It's neither. No way. I've seen Corfam, both pre formula 
change, and post. That ain't it. Nor is it buckskin. The black 
surface is smooth and sticky, and eventually wears down to 
what looks like a white cotton weave backing. The black stuff 
makes the sticky black dust all over the inside of the piano, 
and the backing makes the cobweb-like lint after the black 
stuff is worn through. I absolutely guarantee it isn't 
remotely possible that this stuff is graphite impregnated 
Corfam or buckskin.

Ron N

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