[pianotech] Damper Issue???

Matthew Todd toddpianoworks at att.net
Sat Dec 5 20:23:43 MST 2009

Yes, I did hold the damper head with one hand while striking the note, and there no noise.  I also muted right string and no noise.  And that is the side where the damper wire is.  I also moved the damper wire over and I still had a noise.  That is pretty much why I feel it is stil coming from the wire, but from where the bend is in the wire near the damper head.

What if I somehow put some bushing cloth on the underside of the wire?  Would that help in diagnosing exactly where the noise is coming from?

Matthew Todd, Piano Technician 
(979) 248-9578

--- On Sat, 12/5/09, John Formsma <formsma at gmail.com> wrote:

From: John Formsma <formsma at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [pianotech] Damper Issue???
To: toddpianoworks at att.net, pianotech at ptg.org
Date: Saturday, December 5, 2009, 10:38 PM

With all our fancy smartphones, could you record that noise and post it here?  (Not sure if the list will accept mp3 or WAV files, though.)

Did you hold the damper head with one hand while striking the key "with force"? That gets the damper out of the equation, and you can move it enough so that it won't be possible for the wire to contact the string. This way you can determine if the sound is from the damper wire or something else.

This is the first thing that comes to mind, without being there and hearing exactly what you're hearing.  I suppose it could be possible that a paper clip is somewhere on the soundboard. Those rubber-coated soundboard steels that Pianotek sells would be handy if that's the case.


On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 4:24 PM, <toddpianoworks at att.net> wrote:

I went for a tuning today of a YC PG-175.  Before the tuning, however, I had to pull the action to fish out some paper clips.  The tuning was going along great until I got to note F6.  When you played the note with force, and as the damper returned to the string, there was a sound that sounds common as that of the damper wire brushing on the string upon it's return.  Upon adjusting the damper wire, the sound remained.

Here is what I have deduced.  When I strike the note with force and remove my finger with force, the sound is there.  However, when I strike the note forcefully, and slowly remove my finger, the sound is not there.  I am wondering if it has something to do with the damper wire as it enters the head, the curve of the wire.  Could that be possible.

At this point, I have left it alone rather than trying to manipulate the wire by the head and having it break.  Especially if I still may be off base here.

Help appreciated.

Thank you,
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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