[pianotech] Consensus of technique

Richard Brekne ricb at pianostemmer.no
Sun Dec 6 05:54:10 MST 2009

A consensus here is really meaningless in the end. Whatever gets the 
individual tuner there is what counts. Solid tunings have to do with 
being able to feel when the pin in the pinblock is where it needs to be 
to hold the pitch you are after. Its pretty much all in the arm and 
wrist.  This holds whether you are a pounder or not.

I've seen too many folks do great super stable tunings with way to many 
variant approaches to believe in any basic one approach any more.

For my part I do I've developed a way of handling the pin so that the 
string tends to rise just a tad upon release. I try to avoid 
overshooting the actual string tension... but this kind of depends a bit 
on how well the string moves and gives over the bearing points... and to 
some degree what kind of tuning pin action the pin block allows for.  
Sometimes I end up with a kind of impact action with a standard hammer, 
sometimes I'm forced to a smooth over pull... but most often pulling up 
the exact target leaving just enough <<upwards>> tension on the pin to 
keep the string tension stable works best for me.

Works in both directions... i.e. raising pitch or lowering.


    I'm looking for a consensus of string tuning technique - bottom up
    or top down.

    bottom up - meaning the string is flat and you pull up to pitch or
    ifthe string is sharp, you over shoot the target pitch a little and
    tune up,.
    Top down - meaning if the string is flat, you over shoot the target
    pitch a little and tune down.

    I adopted the top down.

    Duaine Hechler

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