[pianotech] Pallet Rod Stops??

Rob & Helen Goodale rrg at unlv.nevada.edu
Mon Dec 7 19:54:18 MST 2009

You are correct sir, I hadn't noticed those before!  I'll order a bag and 
see how they fit.  Otherwise I may have found another source from a lurker.
This is not a pump organ it's a 1925 Wurlitzer carousel organ, (band organ). 
The originals were just slightly smaller then a hammer shank but the hole 
through the guide rail and wind chest will accept a hammer shank perfectly, 
in fact I like them better.  Wurlitzer used either glued on leather nuts or 
wood collars, there doesn't seem to be any explanation as to why other then 
perhaps they used whatever they had on hand at the moment.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

> Rob,
> Those, that you  describe are availble from Schaff :  page 95,  items 
> #345A-B-C.
> However, most pallet  rods,  for  pump organs  are  not 7/32",  but 
> rather 3/16"  in  my  experience.<G>
> Joe
> Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
> Captain, Tool Police

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