[pianotech] Replacing plastic elbows

William Monroe bill at a440piano.net
Tue Dec 8 12:15:20 MST 2009

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 12:05 PM, <wimblees at aol.com> wrote:

>  *In these days of tight money, do you really think someone is going to
> pay $500, on a piano that only cost them a few hundred*
> Most of these pianos were "heirlooms". We've discussed that on this list in
> the past, but even if it's not an heirloom, inmost cases, the money spent on
> replacing the elbows is still cheaper than buying another piano.
> But here's another view on this. The actual replacing of the elbows in only
> part of the $500 spent. As I mentioned, the $500 includes
> regulating,cleaning, tightening screws,shaping hammers. In other words,
> if we're going to encourage the customer to replacing the elbows, while
> we're at it, why not improve the piano at the same time.  And, the $500
> doesn't even include the tuning, which is some cases might even be a pitch
> raise. So the total bill might be in the $700 range.
> If it is presented right, and the customer agrees to spend the money, I
> think it's worth it.
> Wim

The question, was not do we replace elbows or not replace elbows, Wim, only
that it's much more cost effective to replace with the Vagias elbows than
wooden elbows.  The choice of wood over the Vagias does not necessarily
represent better quality, just more time, thus more expense.

William R. Monroe
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