[pianotech] Quiet System (Barbara Richmond)

Diane Hofstetter dianepianotuner at msn.com
Wed Dec 9 00:32:37 MST 2009

Hi Barbara,
I'm in awe of Larry Fischer for being able to do the PianoDisc installations that he does (see below).  The only thing I would add to what he says is that I consider it absolutely imperative, if someone has something added to the piano that I don't know how to service (or maybe even if I did), to have them demonstrate how it works for me first.  That way both I and the client are on the same page about what is wrong with the piano.  No surprises after I'm done and they think (say?) I broke their piano.
Diane Hofstetter
 I've enjoyed the challenge of installing these things.  It's a rush 
when the job is done and it works nicely.
You'll find a pivot lever under the keybed usually at the bass end.  As you 
move it you'll see the angle iron or stop rail pivot in and out of the way. 
It's adjustable where the cable attaches to the pivot rod somewhere inside 
the action cavity up high under the bass strings.
Along with the QuietTime was a sound or tone module (sometimes).  Don't let 
it intimidate you.  Most people don't use them extensively.  If you wish, 
push the power button, put on the headphones and play some keys just for a 
basic function check.

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