[pianotech] Soothing winter's working hands

wimblees at aol.com wimblees at aol.com
Wed Dec 9 01:23:41 MST 2009

Around the house I walk around barefoot, and when I'm out, in sandals or flip flops. As a result, my right heel has dried out and developed very rough calluses. Those calluses have developed deep cracks in them, which can be very painful. To moisturize my heel, and heel the cracks, I use corn Huskers Lotion which is available at most drug stores. I used to use this stuff on my hands in the winter back in St. Louis.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Diane Hofstetter <dianepianotuner at msn.com>
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Sent: Tue, Dec 8, 2009 8:10 pm
Subject: [pianotech] Soothing winter's working hands

I came upon this company at a senior health fair a couple of years ago. They 
ake great claims for their products.  I had a small sample, but not the severe 
roblems they claim to solve.  It was not greasy, but I didn't have any cracks 
o repair.  Someone here might want to try it and find out if it is as good as 
hey say,

Diane Hofstetter                      =

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