[pianotech] Question about an old action damper and jack

paul bruesch paul at bruesch.net
Wed Dec 9 17:10:15 MST 2009

Piano is a "refurbished" (yeah, right) 1889 Decker Bros (~175cm) grand.

Two most major issues are damper and jack regulations. I think I've figured
out the dampers... the wire enters the lift flange through the top (like
typical modern ones) but instead of a set screw, they emerge into a cutout
area with a static pin to the left of the wire, and a
drop-screw-looking-thing to the right. I was able to just grab the wire
above the flange and move it up and down, but wondered what the drop-screw
thing is all about.

Other issue is jack regulation. Modern repetitions (to use WNG terminology
which makes more sense to me than "wippen", and there's no confusion
regarding how to spell it) have a jack regulating screw. This action does
not, and as you can see from the photo of the jack tops in the "refurbished"
action, a bit of regulation is still needed. Is it simply a matter of
determining the "best" thickness of felt to glue in and hope the
"refurbisher" didn't use epoxy on the layers of red (and occasional green)
replacements? And what sort of felt should I use?

The third picture is for your whimsical entertainment and enjoyment.  I'm
thinking it must have been a hot summer day (which is a refreshing thought
here today!)

Paul Bruesch
Stillwater, MN
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