[pianotech] Question about an old action damper and jack

William Truitt surfdog at metrocast.net
Wed Dec 9 19:11:35 MST 2009

I used underlever for lack of a better word and, of course you are right,
there is no lever involved.  I have seen one of these here in New Hampshire
about 10 years ago.  


Del's article concluded that it was an effective system, which begs the
question - why does the underlever system have to be as complex as it is?  I
can't see that there is a meaningful penalty to not having the underlever
pivot on a flange.  This system is also shallower than the conventional
system, which does not require that the recess for the tray in the belly
rail be as deep.  


Will Truitt


From: pianotech-bounces at ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces at ptg.org] On Behalf
Of paul bruesch
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 8:27 PM
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Subject: Re: [pianotech] Question about an old action damper and jack


Will... December 1995, actually, but like wow, what a great memory!! Thanks,
I'll read it in just a bit.

I refrained from referring to it as an underlever, because it isn't a lever
at all, but it glides on two long pins... the back side of the "underlever"
has a U-shaped opening instead of another hole, presumably to make it a bit
simpler/safer to R&R.

Jon... Can you tell me where I might find retrofit parts? I don't find them
in either Schaff or Pianotek catalogs. If the price is reasonable enough, I
think the amount of work might be a little more(?) but then it would be
adjustable, which would be a good thing.


On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 6:41 PM, William Truitt <surfdog at metrocast.net>

Hi Jon:

I would hold off on that recommendation about the drop screw sockets.  I
believe that you turn the screw to adjust the wire up or down in the
underlever, and the wire presses against the side of the hole to be held in
place in conjunction with the screw.

Del Fandrich wrote an article on this Decker Bros. damper system back in
1993?  Sometime around then.  It had drawings and a description of how it
worked.  The wire coming up through the bottom of the underlever is actually
a guide pin, there in lieu of underlever flanges. Actually quite an
ingenious and simple system.

Will Truitt

-----Original Message-----
From: pianotech-bounces at ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces at ptg.org] On Behalf
Of Jon Page
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 7:19 PM
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Subject: Re: [pianotech] Question about an old action damper and jack

The drop screw looks like it is turned to apply pressure against
the wire to hold it in place.  You could install sockets in the
top flange for a more positive grip.

Jack rest buttons with adjusting screws can be retrofitted along
with the spoon if you don't want to fuss with the rest felt.


Jon Page


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