[pianotech] Pre-tuning preparation

Al Guecia/AlliedPianoCraft AlliedPianoCraft at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 10 15:00:29 MST 2009

Thanks for your input everyone. It sounds like 10 to 15 minutes is about par 
for the prep. I think I can do that. At my age it seams like everything is 
moving slower <G>


From: "David Ilvedson" <ilvey at sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 4:45 PM
To: <pianotech at ptg.org>
Subject: Re: [pianotech] Pre-tuning preparation

> I like that backpack, but it looks like it is no longer available...'-[
> David Ilvedson, RPT
> Pacifica, CA  94044
> ----- Original message ----------------------------------------
> From: pianofritz50 at aol.com
> To: pianotech at ptg.org
> Received: 12/10/2009 1:16:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [pianotech] Pre-tuning preparation
>>Hi Al, I'd guess I'm in the 15-20 minute category of prepping before the 
>>tuning starts
>>if I've never tuned that piano before.  I want to look it over, ask 
>>questions, maybe
>>pull the lower panel, play a simple piano piece, chromatic scale to check 
>>each note &
>>key's action, etc.  (Most of these 1st time pianos need a pitch raise, 
>>which costs
>>extra, anyway.)
>>If I HAVE tuned the piano before, I'm probably more like 10 min or less, 
>>unless the
>>client wants to talk more.  Hey, it's their buck, though I generally 
>>wouldn't charge
>>extra for that.
>>I do have a backpack w/ my necessary "20 tunings" tools (as Randy Potter 
>>calls it).
>>My extra tool kit (for that 21st tuning/repair) is left out in the car. 
>>That sure
>>facilitates getting in & out of the house easily.  And of course, after 
>>40-50 tunings I
>>have to go thru that backpack and take OUT tools that haven't been used in 
>>lightening it up.  And as far as recording the temp/humdity, I just have 
>>the indicator
>>sitting on my open backpack, and do the recording as I'm putting 
>>everything away in
>>it's little compartment.
>>I use the backpack that an older article referenced, and I'm very happy 
>>with it:
>>http://www.duluthtrading.com/69094.aspx  It even has a elastic pouch on 
>>the side
>>for a small Gatoraide bottle.
>>PS  I use a Verituner PocketPC (and Spurlock holder) which easily runs on 
>>battery for
>>at least one tuning if not two.  I also do unison tuning as I go, which 
>>eliminates the
>>time needed to strip mute the piano.
>>Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays...   Bill Fritz, St Louis
>>From: Al Guecia/AlliedPianoCraft <AlliedPianoCraft at hotmail.com>
>>To: Pianotech List <pianotech at ptg.org>
>>Subject: [pianotech] Pre-tuning preparation
>>Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 12:28:04 -0500
>>I know we've talked recently about how long it take everyone to tune a 
>>piano. My
>>problem is getting ready to tune a piano. Greeting the customer, getting 
>>all the tools
>>I need out of my bag, taking a reading on the temp and hum, taking a 
>>reading of the
>>piano for my ETD, writing all the info on their bill, etc, etc. It's 
>>taking me about 15 to
>>20 minutes. What do you all do? How much time does it take everyone to get 
>>to tune? Am I wasting to much time?

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