[pianotech] setting up and tuning

Duaine & Laura Hechler dahechler at att.net
Fri Dec 11 09:48:13 MST 2009

Well, I prefer to make multiple trips to my truck, if I have to:

I use the hard shell aluminum cases from Harbor Freight - they are very
light and roomy.

(1) with complete tools & misc - tuning hammer, mutes, regulation tools
- vert & grand, all 3 grades of CA and kicker, flashlight, penlight,
cellophane & masking tape, felt tip marker, nut driver set (modern
player), extreme screw driver set, ratcheting cordless screwdriver with
assorted bits, usually, if I remember, extra battery, protek, 3 sizes of
vise-grips - plus more

(1) for laptop with Cybertuner (Windows & Linux - dual boot),
microphone, three prong extension cord with adapter, USB wireless
connection adapter.

(1) for stringing and action - including - all stringing tools and full
selection of wire, center pins all sizes and extractor / inserter - plus

(1) for player work - test rolls, graphite powder for lubing,
stethoscope (to find leaks), extra Protek, rags or paper towels, can of
spray lubricant - plus more

(2) milk crates with (8) Harbor Freight "divided" plastic cases with
complete assortment of punchings (balance and front rail) and leather
nuts (player), an assortment of "replacement" action parts and springs
(ones that usually are found broken), etc.

(1) one portable "bagless" vacuum cleaner with full attachments.

(1) box of assorted sizes of player hoses (for on the spot replacements
or repairs)

When needed, the upright tilter

In short, damn near a complete work shop in one truck,

BTB (Bye The Bye) - I took my design from my mentor - 30+ year trade
veteran (who happens to also work on electronic organs and keyboards) -
which happens to have a "dedicated" full sized van for his
transportation.  He has had requests to tune the piano - to - the organ.

For those wanting to expand your services, here is your opportunity.

Duaine Hechler
Piano, Player Piano, Pump Organ
Tuning, Servicing & Rebuilding
Reed Organ Society Member
Florissant, MO 63034
(314) 838-5587
dahechler at att.net
Home & Business user of Linux - 10 years

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