[pianotech] pitch raise

Sat Dec 12 20:42:12 MST 2009

In a message dated 12/12/2009 9:16:59 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
dahechler at att.net writes:

IF there  are any aural tuners out there that can to this *same - exact -
major pitch  raise and tuning* - in less than 90 minutes - I want to know
your *exact  *secrets,
There are no "exact" "secrets". There is common sense and experience.  
Calculating correct overpull in the center of the piano (around A4) by the  
simple formula of approximate beats flat (or sharp) times somewhere in the range 
 of 30% as a factor to over pull, and being aware of the bridge break to 
the bass  where the overpull is less, I am generally able to pull up a piano 
to right  around A440 in about 20 to 25 minutes, and to then give the piano a 
generally  "decent" tuning in the remainder of my time at the piano. This 
is true whether  the piano is 8 cents flat or 100 cents. I make no great 
claim to the perfection  of the subsequent tuning or its stability, and I make 
that known to my client. I  arrange to return within a couple of months if 
necessary to do a more stable and  "finer" tuning, and, I hope, to see the 
client on a more regular basis. There is  no magic to this. 

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