[pianotech] Damper Lever Problem

Tom Driscoll tomtuner at verizon.net
Tue Dec 15 20:00:59 MST 2009

 I'm a bit confused by your post. The pliers are modified in order to expand the lead in the hole. Without the modification you can't exert presure from both sides of the lead without damaging the wood..
As to the electrical tape comment I'm baffled. Your first post said that you slid the lead back in place ,now you mention electrical tape with an ambiguous reference to sincerity.
I repeat ---You have to change the shape of the lead to stay in the hole. Measure the diameter of a key lead on the bench then punch some dimples around it's circumference on both sides and measure again. My pliers work for me but there were several other postings referencing store bought and shop made tools that may work even better. My tool costs $10.00 and 10 minutes to modify.
 Tom D.

        Why modify a pair of needle nose?  A small screwdriver works better for me sliding the lead in and out.

        No, I didn't expect it to stay there, that's why I put a piece of electrical around the lever and over the lead so it wouldn't move, but the player is hard on the damper pedal.  Now Tom, if you didn't know me, you probably would think I'm serious here.  Or, maybe I am.


        --- On Tue, 12/15/09, Tom Driscoll <tomtuner at verizon.net> wrote:

          My version of a modified pair of curved needlenosed pliers for swedging in key and damper lever leads. We recently and  collectively posted several versions of  this type of tool . If the thing slud out did you expect it to stay put by sliding it back in?
          You gots to change the movie if you expect a different ending.

          Tom Driscoll

          > I had serviced a client's Pramberger grand about a month ago.  One of the issues she had was a sticking damper.  Come to find out the damper lever weight had slid out and was contacting the neighboring lever.  I was able to take my screwdriver and slide the weight back in.
          > > 
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