[pianotech] back rail cloth, (was of replacing keytops)

Tom Driscoll tomtuner at verizon.net
Wed Dec 16 05:41:47 MST 2009

 A quick google led to this from the craft supplier  --   misterArt.com

"Sheet of oil board is ideal for designing your stencils. Cut out your own 
letters, numbers, shapes or anything else you would like to make a stencil 
out off. Oil board is cardstock thick so able to use more than once when 
stenciling. Sold in 24 in. x 20 in. individual brown sheets."  (Costs around 
$2.00 a sheet)

Tom D.

> Marcel Carey wrote:
>> Could someone explain where does this name "oil board" comes from. I've 
>> been in the business for many years and this was the first time I heard 
>> of it. I've seen backrail cloth glued on both sides with the lump in the 
>> middle, but How do we change the oil? :-)

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