[pianotech] Bechstein question

Marshall Gisondi pianotune05 at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 16 20:55:27 MST 2009

Hi Everyone,

I went to one of the schools where I tune to investigate a probel the were having with a key that wouldn't play on a bechstein grand, an older one.  I coudn't ge into the piano to read the serial number or model. I kid you not that music teacher had that thing so weighed won with ..ap lol.  


The problem was, the cord loop that connects the jack spring is bad frayed.  I wanted to know if I had any  other option besides replacing that cord loop due to the visual nature of it. I think I can swing it with my bifocal or this other magnifier device I hve.  However not to take the easy way out by any means, but I wanted to know if there is a source where I could obtain a Bechstein wippen assembly.  I have instruction on how to redo the look being sent via e-mail from someone I know from the school, but I was curious as to any other options I might have.  


I wonder what those couple of highschool kids thouht when I said out loud, "Oh I see the cord loop is bad not the jack position under the knuckle."  

Thanks everyone


ps. If I didn't thank you already for ideas and help fro past posts, thanks again.  You guys are great, and even to the person that flamed me in a private e-mail a couple of weeks ago I'm still greatful to them. :-)

Marshall Gisondi Piano Technician
Marshall's Piano Service
pianotune05 at hotmail.com
Graduate of The School of Piano Technology for the Blind www.pianotuningschool.org Vancouver, WA

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