[pianotech] key leads

paulrevenkojones at aol.com paulrevenkojones at aol.com
Thu Dec 17 01:30:09 MST 2009

In a message dated 12/16/2009 11:18:45 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
davidlovepianos at comcast.net writes:

True  enough.  I tend not to move holes if the pattern is reasonably 
uniform in  this case being willing to simply cut the leads where necessary to 
achieve a  more refined final FW.   
David  Love
I've done this procedure a number of times where,  when trying to shift 
weight toward the balance rail and remove as much weight as  possible, I've had 
to knock out an existing lead and move an equivalent new lead  just enough 
back that it doesn't clear the prior hole. So filling and  re-drilling was 
the only option. Fortunately, it doesn't happen often, but it's  simply one 
of those contingencies to be aware of when planning a  job.
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