[pianotech] How to tune a Winter spinet

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Fri Dec 18 22:05:13 MST 2009

John Formsma wrote:
>Should we really say, "It 
> needs a match!" :-D   (rhetorical sarcastic question)

Why not? My wife's father used to tell them that "If it was a 
horse, I'd shoot it". I've always been fond of the "crappie 
shelter" suggestion myself. Homeless fish need help too, you 
know, and you avoid the visual of whacking ol' Dobbin.

The truly horrifying thing for me here is that the church has 
two of these things with consecutive serial numbers. How might 
this tragedy occur? Did the church suddenly feel the need to 
commit mass (?) stupidity and buy two winter spinets one day? 
I'd bet the farm against that one, though somewhat reluctantly 
(being a big fan of mass stupidity). This leaves donations for 
social credit and tax write off. The Wumpersons donated the 
lone used D in the sanctuary as a memorial to Great Uncle 
Bilious, but the Ampersands donated TWO, count 'em, TWO brand 
new pianos in Mary Louise Louise Redundant's name, soundly 
trumping the Wumpersons two to one in donation volume, and at 
a quite reasonable price at that! How can it possibly get 
better? Well, if they'd had a couple of old uprights to 
unload, they wouldn't have had to go shopping for the absolute 
cheapest new pianos they could find, but you sometimes have to 
make concessions to the situation of the moment. The important 
thing is trumping the Wumpersons, with the write off a close 

The unregulated benefactor, and the official committee, are 
among the most dangerous forces careening through the 
unnatural affairs of the species.

Ron N

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