[pianotech] BB Mason and Tenor Cross over

Al Guecia/AlliedPianoCraft AlliedPianoCraft at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 20 08:38:10 MST 2009


This would be very handy to have. Where do I get this Excel spreadsheet?


  From: Serge Harel 
  Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 9:04 AM
  To: pianotech at ptg.org 
  Subject: Re: [pianotech] BB Mason and Tenor Cross over

  Hi Dale 

  There is a  new other way to improve those tenor zone.
  The problem is the low breaking point about 35% for note # 21 of a S&S B

  French piano maker Stephen Paulello come with the genius idea to make string with softer steel.
  With this note # 21 F you will have about the same tension and a better breaking point of about 55% with the Paulello String model O
  and the possibility to change the scale to have less tension but normal BP...!!

  There is two other model 1 and 2 for older romantic piano like old Erard or Broadwood

  Paulello offer a free Excel program all you need is to put the speaking lenght and choice the best type of string to got the breaking point you looking for each unisons.

  I just use those string this week on a 85 notes S&S B in the low tenor, great result...


  Serge Harel


  2009/12/19 <erwinspiano at aol.com>

      Hey Al
      SInce you are rehabbing a BB soon ....I forgot to mention that I have tried less invasive alternatives to smooth out the break at the tenor bass cross over. The Mason & Hamlin BB the client complained of the tonal disparity. Ahhh, A bright young man is he. So I simply added three wrapped bi-chord unisons to the first three tenor notes,no. 22,23,24 and the results are very pleasing. It is an excellent break. It required adding only one hitch pin and installing 3 Bi-chord agrafes.
     Nothing fancy to plug the three eextra tuning pin holes. I used ...the tuning pins in case years later someone has the audacity to make it original again. But if they want to they can.
      First tried this on the infamous Steinway B cross over and it is also a significant improvement at nominal effort.
      I got to thinking about the Baldwin F and how many long wrapped tenor bi-chords were used. Arledge tell me they are high tensioned and hard to make but he had no difficulty with strings for eith modification. it figired that these modification could also be successful.
     Give it a whirl
      Dale Erwin




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