[pianotech] Deck the halls with universal bass strings

Kathy Harrod katunes1 at verizon.net
Wed Dec 23 06:01:28 MST 2009

If you must use them and you have buzzing, try putting a drop of CA glue at the ends of the copper where you cut it off.  It usually stops the buzzing.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rob Mitchell 
  To: pianotech at ptg.org 
  Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 8:26 PM
  Subject: [pianotech] Deck the halls with universal bass strings

  I tried installing a universal bass string today and was again faced with unacceptable buzzing, even when I twisted the hitch-pin end multiple times.  So far my success rate with these has been about 1 out of 3.  I'm ready to start decorating the tree with the ones I have left since it seems that's about all they're good for.  


  As far as prepping these for installation, am I missing something or is just the nature of the beast.  (I realize these are less than optimal compared with ordering new strings, but the customer really just preferred a quick solution).  




  Mitchell Piano Service

  (415) 994-1030


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