[pianotech] Reversing Crown

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Sat Dec 26 09:32:29 MST 2009

Marcel Carey wrote:
> Now Ron, if this spreadsheet with formulas was for sale, I think you 
> might find a few people interested.
> I know I would.

There are plenty of people interested, but it's not for sale. 
Sorry, it's not a lick and stick push a button and pull out a 
design sort of thing. It requires an understanding of the 
principals Del, David Love, and I have discussed in sufficient 
detail on list. The information is already out, and anyone who 
cares enough to spend the thousand zero income hours putting 
all the pieces together into something that makes sense to 
*them*, will then understand what they want in software and 
can build their own to suit. Those who won't spend the time 
necessary to reasonably understand the basic principals won't 
understand the software. Even with an understanding of the 
principals and process, and a working software platform that 
you also understand, there is still considerable work involved 
in working up a belly redesign. There isn't a 
responsibility-light shortcut that I'm aware of and so far, 
precious few have cared enough to work for it. Then, 
naturally, the knowledge base is still expanding. Those of us 
doing this work are still learning, refining concepts, and 
updating our tools on a continuous basis.

Maybe some day, but not just yet.
Ron N

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